HE4Her project’s dissemination activity at the "Good practices - elements from the theory and practice of the case law of the judge supervising deprivation of liberty" meeting which was held in Cluj-Napoca Romania on 24th of November 2024.
The purpose of the meeting was to develop inter-institutional collaboration to streamline the application of legal provisions regarding persons deprived of their liberty.
The event was attended by Representatives of the National Penitentiary Administration, Directors of the Oradea, Dej, Baia Mare, Satu Mare and Bistrita penitentiaries, the Supervising judges from the aforementioned penitentiaries and the President of the Cluj Court of Appeal and Judges from the Cluj-Napoca Court of Appeal.
The activity was opened by the director of Gherla Penitentiary Mr. Aldea Razvan who opened the event by presenting the HE4Her project and the results obtained so far.
Projects that are currently being piloted and that will later be implemented at the national level were presented. At the end of the activity, the judges present mentioned the good collaboration they have with the prison management in terms of ensuring the act of justice.
The event was concluded by the director of Gherla Penitentiary who thanked the participants and offered them promotional materials created within the HE4Her project.
The ERASMUS+ HE4Her project’s second working group was held 3-4.10.2024 with participation of specialists from each partner organisation who are involved in health education in their countries. The event was hosted by Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanlari Dernegi (Turkish Association of Social Workers) and held at the Karanfil Sk. Zafir Work Center in Ankara, Türkiye.
The main objective of the working group was to outline the content and structure of the new education program to promote the health literacy skills of women who are involved with the criminal justice systems.
The topics which have been chosen for the the new education program are:
• The female body
• What are STDs?
• Preventive measures
• Health literacy
These topics were chosen based on the needs of women who are involved with the criminal justice systems and findings from the survey on health literacy conducted by Dr. Mugur Geana from the Center for Excellence in Health Communication to Underserved Populations - University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communications CEHCUP USA.
The participants of the working group in the continuation, worked together on the above topics. It had been decided that the content of the educational program should be in the format of animations / videos.The next activity of staff training will take place 28 - 29 January 2025 in Athens Greece.
The HE4Her project’s 2nd Project Meeting was held 12th and 13th of September 2024 in Ankara Turkey.
The purpose of this meeting was to analyse the implementation calendar, to discuss the upcoming interim report and activities, and to find the best improvement solutions for the project.
On second day focus was given on the Needs Analysis "Findings from the survey on health literacy, STD knowledge, and preventive behaviour with incarcerated women in Romania, Greece, and Türkiye" and its author Dr. Mugur Geana from the Center for Excellence in Health Communication to Underserved Populations - University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communications CEHCUP USA presented the conclusions of the survey, that were behind the choice of topics on which the new educational materials will be developed in the working group that will take place on the 3rd and 4th of October in Ankara Turkey.
The ERASMUS+ HE4Her project’s first working group was held in Timișoara Romania 3-4.6.2024 with participants from each partner organisation. The event was hosted by CPIP CENTRUL PENTRU PROMOVAREA ÎNVĂȚĂRII PERMANENTE TIMIȘOARA ASOCIAȚIA and held at the Atlas Hotel in the centre of Timișoara town.
Participants in this face-to-face working group were specialists who are involved in health education in their countries. During the event, the participating specialists analysed the identified needs and the inventory of existing programs and started the creation of the new educational content for health in digital format.
The next working group will be held in October in Turkey.
The 1st Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) was held in the Gherla Prison in Romania on the 11th and 12th of January 2024. Representatives from all partner organizations took part in the first meeting, where the specific features and procedures concerning the project were handled in good cooperation. Details of the capacity building mobility were also finalized.